ToIRL Feb 2025

My top 11 event picks of Feb 2025

Welcome to the 28th edition of Toronto IRL - where we find the best IRL business + tech events in Toronto, and curate them, so you don’t have to go searching.

11 Events (Sorted by Date)

πŸ™Œ = I’m attending. πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ = I’m the host
(Focusing on the events I’m personally attending this month)

February 12 - Female Founders Ecommerce Panel hosted by AMZ Prep/ Blair Forrest

πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ February 16 - Only for those who love social deduction games like Werewolf.

πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ February 20 - For Techies / Founders - collaborating with Rymn on this one.

February 20 - Hosted by Lily Tse

πŸ™Œ February 25 - Hosted by Toronto Tech Fest. I’ll be there with a friend, over 100 tickets sold!

Ryan’s Corner - What Is He Up To?

I updated my offering so I now do cold calls for my clients prior to launching email.

Like we literally pick up the phone and do 400 dials on day 1. We learn extremely quickly what messaging works because the people will either say it hits, or hang up on us.

Here are the results of a most recent campaign. 2 meetings booked in 1 day, its awesome. It allows us to hit our guaranteed 10 meetings very quickly.

Toronto Event Organizers I Track For This Newsletter
RI.Events, TechTO, FuckupNights Toronto, Aceocial, Founders Poker, TodoToronto, TorontoEventHub, Startup Ecosystem Canada, Ryan Wong, Daivik Goel, Godwin Chan, Bitcoin Bay, Solana Toronto, Aniket Patel (EVP.VC), 

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