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  • June 15 2023 Newsletter

June 15 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to the fourth edition of Toronto IRL - where we find the best IRL business + tech events in Toronto, and curate them, so you don’t have to go searching. Here’s what’s going on from June 15th - June 30th.

Fuckup Nights Toronto - Hosted by Neil Martin / Marsha Druker
Time & Place: Thursday, June 15, 630PM - 930PM @ OneEleven
Description: Speaker series where stories of failed businesses and projects are shared. Price: $42
Link to Signup

Creator Open House - Hosted by Daniel Francavilla
Time & Place: Saturday, June 17, 11AM - 3PM @ 130 Spadina
Description: This free drop-in is a great opportunity to meet like-minded individuals who share your passion for content, and join the CreatorClub community for even more opportunities. Price: Free
Ryan’s Notes: Great for people who want to start a podcast :)
🙋‍♂️Link to Signup

Designer's & Coffee: Config After Party - Hosted by Dorsa Giyahi
Time & Place: Thursday, June 22, 6:30PM - 9:30PM @ Startuptive
Description: Join us and many UX designers in Toronto in attending an after ConFig conference social where you can network with your fellow like-minded designers. Price: From $23
Ryan’s Notes: Dorsa is awesome, must attend for UX & Designers!
🙋‍♂️Link to Signup

Pre Collision Founders Meetup - Hosted by Techpreneurs.ca
Time & Place: Sunday, June 25, 6PM - 10PM @ thehashtag
Description: An event that aims to bring together tech entrepreneurs from various industries to connect, learn, and network. Price: Free
Link to Signup

TechTO & OneEleven Summer Social - Hosted by Jason Goldlist
Time & Place: Monday, June 26, 6PM - 9PM @ The Slip
Description: An outdoor summer social event, where our tech community can gather in-person and enjoy the beautiful weather together. Price: $60
Link to Signup

Toronto's Big Business, Tech & Entrepreneur Professional Networking Soiree 
Time & Place: Monday, June 26, 6:30PM - 9:00PM @ Black Swan Tavern
Description: An event where you can meet fellow professionals and mingle with makers of great and big ideas. Price: $15
Link to Signup

Developer Experience in Financial Services - Hosted by Harp Athwal
Time & Place: Tuesday, June 27, 4PM - 7PM @ 210 King St E Suite 500
Description: An event to learn from industry leaders at our third installment of Developer Experience in Financial Services. Price: Free
Link to Signup

Collision After Party / Startup Investor Drinks
Time & Place: Wednesday, June 28, 6PM - 9PM, @ 30 Wellington St West, 5th Floor
Description: An event that helps connect Investor Ready startups with Investors in an intimate networking environment with drinks, pizza and rapid fire pitches. Price: From $27
Link to Signup

🙋‍♂️ means Ryan is attending - feel free to ping me if you’d like to join me
👤 means Ryan is running the event / volunteering
🔒 means its semi-public, you have to apply then you can attend

🙋 Have an event you think should be added to the list?
👉 Reply to this email with the link and I’ll have it added to the next edition

💡 Have an idea for an event that Toronto should have?
👉 Reply to this email, and let me help you flesh out a plan.